Top Reasons Why People Send Gifts To Their Loved Ones And Friends

Top Reasons Why People Send Gifts To Their Loved Ones And Friends

Today, in the age of digital advertisements, gifts are everywhere. No matter which platform online you visit, some gift or other buy will pop up. Even if you visit the mall, there will be a few gift stores there as well. So, do you think that gift buying is an impulsive action? Well! Different people have different opinions.

We have jotted down a few top reasons, why people choose to give gifts.

In Keeping With Traditions

This is one of the first reasons that one can think of. This tradition is been followed for centuries. If we go back to pagan traditions, gifting has pagan roots. You must have heard of the story, ‘The Gift of Magi’. At that time, Christmas gifting came into the forefront holding the hands of these wise individuals. You will even find in the old scriptures, that gift-giving was an act that used to be aimed at honouring the gods or important figures in society. Now, it has taken a different path, wherein people celebrate occasions and festivals and buy gifts relevant to those.

Cultural Significance

Being a time-honoured tradition, it was used to show admiration and appreciation earlier. The practice is still very significant in today’s times, as a way of showing gratitude. It also symbolizes family and friendly ties. Every country has a distinctive rule or rather, style of gifting. The act of gift exchanges during festivals and celebrations is an opportunity for friends and family members to meet as well. These moments also bring people closer and allow them to exchange heart-to-heart messages. Today, you can order gifts from an online gift shop , and get the same shipped on the same day itself. You have less hassles to face.

Keeping Personal Relations

Gifting also revolves around maintaining the relationship. It is a way to show that you love the other person, and care for them enough, to order a thoughtful gift for them. It also shows that you share a bonding of some sort with the receiver. Professionally people also share gifts, to show mutual respect and affection.

For The Validation Of Love

This is another reason, why people share gifts. If you are a married couple, then you might share gifts on Valentine’s Day, Rose Day, Anniversary, or on each other’s birthday. It denotes that you are enjoying the togetherness. It also shows how both people are growing together in a relationship. These are milestones for a couple. People celebrate different anniversaries with different gifts. There is a Paper anniversary to start with, and can go up to diamond, gold, platinum and so on. You can surprise your beloved with midnight gift delivery as well. Online gifting has taken a new route, where customization is possible at every step.

Gifting As Keepsake

Gifts capture the essence of the momentand remain ingrained in the memory for a long time. You can give gifts like photograms, photo-cushions, and photo t-shirts, that resonate with the occasion and relationship. It is not always about the value of the gift, but the feeling that matters.

Gifting To Inspire

Gifts also boost the energy of the receiver. In cases, when someone just got through an important examination or landed a great job, you can send gifts to motivate and inspire them to achieve more. There is a tradition of gifting on someone’s graduation day as well. Inspiration really works wonders.


So, these are a few reasons why people send gifts to their loved ones and friends. And there are more. You can order gifts online and get them delivered to any location in and around the country. Online gift companies are always on their toes, to serve you with the best. Moreover, you can lay your hands on a wide range of gifts today, that comprise not only cakes, chocolates, flowers, and perfumes, but more personalized hampers as well.

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